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aluminium front panels

Front panels have been part of the Algra Group’s standard product range for decades. The high-quality aluminium used give them an exquisite look and feel. The products are employed in various markets but are most frequently installed in machines and racks. However, our fronts are also popular components in rail technology or in the high-end sector.

Characteristics of our front panels

We process the surfaces according to the particular application. This is where our high-quality surface technology comes into play. From glass bead blasting to grinding and through to various types of printing, we combine all processes from a single source. 2K or the popular sub-anodised process are used for printing. It is possible to print photo-realistic images using digital sub-anodised printing.

Our plant can stamp, saw or mill to any size – using the appropriate technology for the quantity and specification. Pressed in or welded bolts and nuts or double-sided adhesive are used to mount the front panels. We can also provide anodised and lacquered edges.

You will find the available colours in our ‘anodising’ colour chart. We will be happy to advise you so that we can provide you with the best possible solution.

front panels broadband transmission technology